

  I’ve been making art works on the theme of “changes of daily natures and passing sensitive emotions” consistently since 2005. I’m making invisible air, sound, gravitation and emotion to visualize by simple portrayals with pure lines, figures and layered clolors. Then I’m putting the pure lines, figures and colors on my canvases repeatedly, and therefor I’m pursueing to be able to express invisible passages of times and phenomenal spaces on my canvases and installations.
 Also, my grandfather were painting about memories of for 4 years as a Japanese prisoner of war in the Soviet Union on his canvases. I was making art works on same theme and holding exhibitions with him since 2009, even after he passed away in 2012 I’m continuing to making them from collect materials for people who have had the same experience and reference materials. It comes to be a one of my life work. I’m trying collaborations with differ genres, music, drama, interior and so on, and as a supervisor of art works at events of regional vitalization since a few years ago.

in English 

千田 豊実

1982年 香川県さぬき市生まれ・在住

2005年 多摩美術大学 美術学部絵画学科油画専攻 卒業
2005年 東京を拠点に作家活動を始める
2006年 ベルリンに拠点を移し、ドイツ国内にて制作・発表を行う
2009年 香川県に帰郷し、作家活動を続ける
2009年 シベリア抑留の体験を絵にした祖父 川田一一と二人展を開催
2013年「Senda Atelier」創立

2021 "描き続ける〜演劇との新しい表現を求めて〜" 坂出市民美術館、香川
2011 "色の響" トキワアートギャラリー、香川
2011 "時と光" sottoprodotto、香川
2009 "corpusculum" Co-m-m-unity Business Communication、ベルリン
2005 "解放区" GalleryQ、東京

2015 "遺されたもの~戦後70年~" かまどホール、香川
2013 "鎮魂~後世に伝える平和への祈り~" 21世紀館さんがわ、香川
2010 "私のシベリア 私の祖父" 舞鶴引揚記念館、京都
2009 "記憶の調べ" 21世紀館さんがわ、香川


2024 "第10回ふるさと美術展" 高松市美術館、香川
2023 "絵筆をもつとき" 曽根三千代・千田豊実・谷川沙織の三人展 高松市美術館市民ギャラリー、香川
2023 "ヒメとゲナン" はちどり、香川
2020 "第9回財団奨学生と顕彰者による美術展" 香川県文化会館、香川
2020 "つながる2020夏のアート展" 坂出市民美術館、香川
2017 "第8回ふるさと美術展" あわぎんホール、徳島/高知文化プラザかるぽーと、高知
2014 "第2回マチトソラ芸術祭" スペースきせる、徳島
2014 "第7回ふるさと美術展" 高松市美術館、香川
2013 "リキテックスアートプライズ2013" 3331 Arts Chiyoda 、東京
2010 "第6回ふるさと美術展" 高松市美術館、香川 /あわぎんホール、徳島愛媛県美術館、愛媛/高知文化プラザかるぽーと、高知
2009 "ORT" ACUD Galerie、ベルリン
2009 "unentwegt" with Keiko Koana、Moritzhof、マクデブルグ
2008 "TOD UND AUFLOESUNG" kunstraum t27、ベルリン
2007 "GLEICHGEWICHT" FORUM im TIB Raum fuer Kunst und Kultur、ベルリン
2007 "SCHMECKEN" FORUM im TIB Raum fuer Kunst und Kultur、ベルリン
2007 "RIECHEN" FORUM im TIB Raum fuer Kunst und Kultur、ベルリン
2007 "第5回ふるさと美術展" 高松市美術館、香川 /愛媛県美術館、愛媛
2007 "TASTEN" FORUM im TIB Raum fuer Kunst und Kultur、ベルリン
2007 "HOEHEN" FORUM im TIB Raum fuer Kunst und Kultur、ベルリン
2007 "Anonyme Zeichner No.5" Bluetenweiss Raum fuer Kunst、ベルリン
2007 "SEHEN" FORUM im TIB Raum fuer Kunst und Kultur、ベルリン
2007 "Anonyme Zeichner No.4" Bluetenweiss Raum fuer Kunst、ベルリン
2006 "WASSER" FORUM im TIB Raum fuer Kunst und Kultur、ベルリン
2006 "Tueren" with Akatsuki Ogura, Yuka Kanayama、Frauenkirche Grimma、グリマ
2006 "ERDE" FORUM im TIB Raum fuer Kunst und Kultur、ベルリン
2005 "Last spurt 2005" GalleryQ、東京
2005 "Open the door" Gallery ES、東京
2005 "Berlin-Tokyo Group Exhibition" Joachim Gallery、ベルリン
2005 "DOLCE VITA #2" Espace Beaurepaire、パリ


2021 坂出市民美術館


2013 "リキテックスアートプライズ2013" 入選
2004 よんでん文化振興財団 奨学生
2004 多摩美術大学校友会 奨学生


2024 瀬戸内海国立公園指定90周年記念事業 "KINRINマルシェ" 琴林公園(津田の松原)、香川
2023 "さぬきバル 源内通り編" 平賀源内記念館周辺、香川
2022 "さぬきバル 源内通り編" 平賀源内記念館周辺、香川
2021 "さぬきバル 門入の郷編" 椿の城、香川
2014 "Cyan/n meets Art vol.1" Cyan/n、香川
2011 "東日本大震災支援企画展YELL02" トキワアートギャラリー、香川
2011 "FUNFAN@TAG"トキワアートギャラリー、香川
2011 "東日本大震災支援YELL展" 北浜galleryマルアール、sottoprodotto、香川
2010 "豊島時間" TESHIMA GALLERY、香川
2008 "Regionalabend Japan" Internationaler Club der Freien Universitaet、ベルリン
2008 "SLOWING IN THE HOSPITAL" Dr.Edgar Mahnke & Gerd Splitt、ギュストロー

2012 “あートラ市” アサヒ・アートスクエア、東京
2010 "白井奈緒美サクソフォーンリサイタル2" アルファあなぶき小ホール、香川
2010 "泉屋復活茶会" 豊島片山邸、香川
2010 "出船入船パフォーマンス" 高松港高速艇チケット売り場前、香川
2010 "MUSIC BLUE" 丸亀街壱番街ドーム/ ZENKON、香川
2009 "Raumverhandlung" WERK-STADT am Mareschplatz、ベルリン
2008 "Eine kleine Performance" Unter Anderen e.V.、ベルリン
2005 "ground kawara" CAFE&DINING、東京

2023 NHK高松放送局 かがわWEB特集 "祖父の抑留を描く"
2010 NHK総合「目撃!日本列島」”シベリア”の魂を描く〜28歳・女性画家の挑戦〜
2010 NHK総合「四国羅針盤」”シベリア”の魂を描く〜28歳・女性画家の挑戦〜
2023 "CURLY&Co. × ART 千田豊実" 阪急うめだ本店限定
2005 "Design Tshirts Store graniph" Design No.1698
2014 "シベリアの月 わが捕虜記" 蓮井秀義 著・西岡秀子 編

2023- かがわみんなのアート活動センター「KAGAWA MOVES」
2022- さぬき市障害者支援施設「明日葉」
2022  香川県障害者芸術祭2022作品展
2021- 坂出市教育委員会、坂出市民美術館 "ふしぎnaたね展"
2021- さぬき市障害者支援施設「恵生ノ園」
2019- よんでん文化振興財団「小中学校へのアーティスト派遣事業」
2019-21 香川県立高松高等学校
2016-23 さぬき市立富田保育所
2014  大手前高松中学・高等学校
2012-14 香川県立三本松高等学校



Toyomi Senda

born in 1982 in Sanuki city Kagawa, Japan lives and works also
2005 Tama Art University (Department of painting, oil painting course) bachelor's degree, Tokyo
2005 started career as a painter in Tokyo
2006 moved to Berlin, made works and exhibited in Germany
2009 returned to Kagawa in Japan, be continuing to make works
2009 produced exhibitions by a grandfather and a grandchild, who painted about detention in Siberia 
2013 conducted "Senda Atelier

Solo Exhibition
2021 "Continuing to paint ~A stage performance exploring new expressions" Sakaide Civic Art Museum, KAGAWA
2011 "Echoes of colorst" Tokiwa Art Gallery, KAGAWA
2011 "The time and the light" sottoprodotto, KAGAWA
2009 "Corpusculum" Co-m-m-unity Business Communication, BERLIN
2005 "Liberation area" Gallery Q, TOKYO

Exhibition with My grandfather
2015 "The remaining thing~the 70 years since the end of World WarⅡ~" Kamado Hall, KAGAWA
2013 "Repose of souls~The prayer for the peace handed down to future generations~" 21Century hall Sangawa, KAGAWA
2010 "My siberia my grandfather" Maizuru Repatriation Memorial Museum, KYOTO
2009 "Melodies of memories" 21Century hall Sangawa, KAGAWA

Group Exhibition
2024 "Vol.10 Hurusato exhibition" Takamatsu City Museum of Art, KAGAWA
2023 "The moment of having paintbrushes" the exhibition with Michiyo Sone and Saori Tanikawa Citizens' Gallery in Takamatsu City Museum of Art, KAGAWA
2013 "Liquitex art prize 2013" 3331 Arts Chiyoda 、TOKYO
2023 "Princesses & Male servants" Hachidori, KAGAWA
2020 "ART ENERGY FROM SHIKOKU" Kagawa Culture Hall, KAGAWA
2020 "Conect 2020 in Summer" Sakaide Municipal Museum, KAGAWA
2017 "Vol.8 Hurusato exhibition" Kouchi City Culture-Plaza Cul-Port, KOCHI/ Tokushima Arts Foundation for Culture, Tokushima
2014 "Vol.2 Machitosora art festival" Space Kiseru, TOKUSHIMA
2014 "Vol.7 Hurusato exhibition" Takamatsu City Museum of Art, KAGAWA
2013 "Liquitex art prize 2013" 3331 Arts Chiyoda 、TOKYO
2010 "Vol.6 Hurusato exhibition" Takamatsu City Museum of Art, KAGAWA/ Tokushima Arts Foundation for Culture, Tokushima/ Ehime Museum of Art, Ehime/ Kouchi City Culture-Plaza Cul-Port, KOCHI
2009 "ORT" ACUD Galerie, BERLIN
2009 "unentwegt" with Keiko Koana, Moritzhof, MAGDEBURG
2008 "TOD UND AUFLOESUNG" kunstraum t27, BERLIN
2007 "GLEICHGEWICHT" FORUM im TIB Raum fuer Kunst und Kultur, BERLIN
2007 "SCHMECKEN" FORUM im TIB Raum fuer Kunst und Kultur, BERLIN
2007 "RIECHEN" FORUM im TIB Raum fuer Kunst und Kultur, BERLIN
2007 "Vol.5 Hurusato exhibition" Takamatsu City Museum of Art, KAGAWA/ Ehime Museum of Art, EHIME
2007 "TASTEN" FORUM im TIB Raum fuer Kunst und Kultur, BERLIN
2007 "HOEHEN" FORUM im TIB Raum fuer Kunst und Kultur, BERLIN
2007 "Anonyme Zeichner No.5" Bluetenweiss Raum fuer Kunst, BERLIN
2007 "SEHEN" FORUM im TIB Raum fuer Kunst und Kultur, BERLIN
2007 "Anonyme Zeichner No.4" Bluetenweiss Raum fuer Kunst, BERLIN
2006 "WASSER" FORUM im TIB Raum fuer Kunst und Kultur, BERLIN
2006 "Tueren" with Akatsuki Ogura, Yuka Kanayama, Frauenkirche Grimma, GRIMMA
2006 "ERDE" FORUM im TIB Raum fuer Kunst und Kultur, BERLIN
2005 "Last spurt 2005" Gallery Q, TOKYO
2005 "Open the door" Gallery ES, TOKYO
2005 "Berlin-Tokyo Group Exhibition" Joachim Gallery, BERLIN
2005 "DOLCE VITA #2" Espace Beaurepaire, PARIS

Public Collection

2021 Sakaide Civic Art Museum
2013 "Liquitex Art Prize 2013" Winner
2004 scholarship student of Yonden cultural promoting foundation
2004 scholarship student of The alumni association of Tama Art University

2024 "KINRIN Marche" Kinrin Park (Tsuda no Matsubara)、KAGAWA
2023 "Sanuki Bar Gennai Street version" Around of Hiraga Gennai Memorial Museum、KAGAWA
2022 "Sanuki Bar Gennai Street version" Around of Hiraga Gennai Memorial Museum、KAGAWA
2021 "Sanuki Bar Monnyu no Sato version" Tsubaki no Shiro、KAGAWA 
2014 "Cyan/n meets Art vol.1" Cyan/n、KAGAWA
2011 "The exhibition for the Great East Japan Earthquake YELL02" Tokiwa Art Gallery, KAGAWA
2011 "FUNFAN@TAG" Tokiwa Art Gallery, KAGAWA
2011 "The exhibition for the Great East Japan Earthquake YELL" Kitahama gallery maruR, sottoprodotto KAGAWA
2008 "Regionalabend Japan" Internationaler Club der Freien Universitaet, BERLIN 
2008 "SLOWING IN THE HOSPITAL" Dr.Edgar Mahnke & Gerd Splitt, GUESTROW

Live Painting
2012 "Art La" Art Square, TOKYO
2010 "Naomi Shirai Saxophone Recital 2" Alpha Anabuki small hall, KAGAWA
2010 "Izumiya reviving tea party" Teshima Katayamatei, KAGAWA
2010 "Outgoing and entering port performance" Takamatsu ferry station, KAGAWA
2010 "MUSIC BLUE" Marugamemachi Ichibangai Dome/ ZENKON, KAGAWA
2009 "Raumverhandlung" WERK-STADT am Mareschplatz, BERLIN
2008 "Eine kleine Performance" Unter Anderen e.V., BERLIN
2005 "ground" kawara CAFE&DINING, TOKYO
TV Program
2023 "The feature web program in Kagawa" by NHK, "Painting about the war-prisoners of my grandfather."
2010 "Witnessing! The Japanese Islands" by NHK, "Painting the soul of SIBERIA -The challenge of 28 years-old female painter-"
2010 "The Mariner’s Compass of Shikoku" by NHK, "Painting the soul of
SIBERIA -The challenge of 28 years-old female painter-"
Product design
2023 "CURLY&Co. ×ART Toyomi Senda" Hankyu Umeda Limited
2005 "Design Tshirts Store graniph" Design No.1698
Book-cover design
2014 "The moon in Siberia My diary at the prisoner of war" written by Hideyoshi Hasui・edited by Hideko Nishioka


2023- The Kagawa art activity center for everyone "KAGAWA MOVES"
2022- The Sanuki municipal support facilities for people with disabilities "Asuha"
2022  The Kagawa art festival of people with disabilities 2022
2021- Sakaide board of education, Sakaide civic art museum "Fushigi na tane"
2021- The Sanuki municipal support facilities for people with disabilities "Keishouen"
2019- Yonden cultural foundation "The artist dispatch project to elementary and junior high school"
2019-21 Kagawa prefectural Takamatsu high school
2016-23 Saniki municipal Tomida nursery school
2014  Otemae Takamatsu junior & high school
2012-14 Kagawa prefectural Sanbonmatsu high school